Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Using Social Media for Real Estate

In recent years, inbound marketing has changed the way that virtually every industry promotes and markets their business. Companies have had to readjust their marketing techniques and strategies to find new ways of reaching out to their customers. If real estate companies have not shifted their attention to their internet marketing strategies, they may find themselves suddenly struggling finding targeted leads. If you are a realtor and you are wondering where to get real estate leads on the internet, you’re in luck. There are tons of social media for real estate that you can utilize as platforms and networks to get the most out of your real estate marketing. Start setting up a variety of social media accounts and chalk up some quality real estate leads!social media for real estate
Where to get real estate leads:
LinkedIn: This is probably the first social media for real estate network that you will want to leverage. LinkedIn gives realtors a way to connect with potential clients. Since real estate leads often come from referrals, LinkedIn is a great tool because it allows users to give recommendations online. Once you set up your account, make sure that you appear in the employee lists of your broker’s or firm’s company page for further publicity. LinkedIn has a great app to use called Real Estate Pro that allows you to feature property listings and promote client transactions right there on your profile. Get this nifty app here.
Facebook: With this popular social network, you can find and search for new clients and give them a chance to know you. While you can, and should, be more personable on Facebook than on professional social networks such as LinkedIn, you still need to be careful of what you say and how you say it. While you can occasionally update your connections by sharing properties, don’t use Facebook solely to promote your listings. Use this network as a friendly place to introduce yourself and demonstrate your professionalism, NOT as a place to bombard people with your listings.
Twitter: You’ll want to use Twitter as social media for real estate. It allows for public conversations across a network of users. Since your message must be brief—a mere 140 characters—you must learn to condense information in an engaging way that will receive positive attention. If a follower is particularly interested by your “tweet,” they can easily “retweet” it and share with all of their followers! That’s free promotion right there. Unlike with other social media for real estate, you should be able to post a few times a day without overdoing it. Since the twitter feed is in real time, your message may not be read by your followers if you don’t post it more than once or during a prime time.
YouTube: People are visual creatures. Clients will greatly appreciate the added effort when you post a video of your listings—in fact, 58% of buyers want to see videos when they’re looking at property online! You can create your own channel for free on YouTube and potential clients can view, comment on and subscribe to your videos. Promote your YouTube videos throughout your social media platforms to receive more targeted views. Invest in a quality camera to provide your customers with professional footage of the beautiful homes that they are interested in.
When it comes to social media for real estate, it is also crucial to remember to integrate these different networks to reach a greater amount of potential clients. Post links to all of your social media sites on your main webpage. When you send out an e-mail, consider adding links to your signature
that will direct your reader to your different social media accounts. Remember: social media is social. Don’t be afraid to start conversations with your clients or reach out to people in a friendly yet professional manner. Your goal on social media for real estate is not to advertise or sell your services; your primary concern should be to get your name out there, relate to customers and to begin and maintain positive relationships with your clients.

Need help? Contact Paveya

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