Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Five Social Media for Real Estate

Some people think social media companies were made for real estate, others think the sites are useless and real estate agents should stick to the tried and true. I have found the ones that don't like the real estate social media sites are the ones that don't know how to use them. If you work in real estate you should be complimenting your site with social media for real estate tricks to keep in touch with potential buyers. Here are a few tricks of the trade for the five top social media applications that really make sense when it comes to the real estate business.
Social Media for Real Estate - Facebook

Social media companies have gotten smarter about helping businesses promote their business and last year Facebook put together the Real Estate Agent Directory to help potential homebuyers and real estate agents hook up online. This real estate social media directory has an app for a consumer's phone and the directory not only lists agents but also searches for agents by location, expertise and credentials. The directory is now listed with over 125 realtor associations and thousands of realtor Facebook pages. According to Nielson 80% of all real estate agents use Facebook to promote their business. You can find out more about N-Play, the company that launched the real estate social media application on Facebook here and then simply head out to Facebook to get yourself listed. It's free for both agents and consumers so what have you got to lose?
Social Media Companies for Connecting - Twitter
For real estate social media companies, Twitter rocks for real estate updates. But setting up your profile right is vital. Use keywords denoting your specialty and to help search engines. Get a conversation going with questions about followers experiences in home searching; don't make your posts all about you. Sprinkle in some useful information from other sources to show your authority. Answer tweets within 24 hours and always follow back anyone who is following you. This is just good Twitter and real estate social media etiquette. And don't forget to publicize your tweets as all your posts need to be public to gain followers to find that one serious buyer.
Social Media Companies for Visuals – Pinterest
Pinterest is the social media companies darling right now. A business having great success with it is real estate, when using this social media site correctly. As a real estate social media site Pinterest is all about the visual, but it is also personal. So putting up boards that are just promos for listings will get you ignored or worst yet booted out. Pinterest is about people's passions, so think about this and group accordingly. Some of the best real estate social media Pinterest boards focus on the geographical area or group photos by rooms.  Include a few listings (no prices) and some that are from other boards. As in all social media companies, everything should link back to your site. How about Dream Gardens or Favorite Bedrooms? Get creative, because this is the real estate social media site to really indulge that side of you to entice others to check out all your boards.
Social Media Companies for Updating – Your Blogs
Keeping up a real estate social media blog can be hard, it's work to do daily posts about real estate. Lucky for you there is such a thing as curating content from social media companies through search engines. Set up Google Alerts using keywords that reflect your focus, and post to your real estate social media blog, Facebook or Twitter.  No exact reposting this information, it will lose you followers. Blogs are best when visually interesting and informative. Want that repurposed blog post from another site to help? Tag the content source through their Facebook page or Twitter account and you will start to see reposts from the source.
Social Media Companies for Listings - YouTube
Just as Pinterest has caught the attention of the web, videos are the ultimate real estate social media to grab potential clients. The no-brainer is videos of all your current listings but if you can do walk through videos instead of slide shows, all the better. Post videos on your real estate social media blog posts (you do have a blog – right?) with guest speakers about related topics. YouTube has many great videos from various social media companies you can post and let your twitter followers know what you just posted. It's a visual world so make it work for you.
These just scratch the surface of what social media for real estate can do for your business to make it more visible. If you are feeling overwhelmed, try one of the new social media companies for a month until you are comfortable with it, then move on to the next one. You will find that they all interrelate so that after a while you will be online, pinning new photos to your Pinterest board and adding interesting posts from other people's blogs to your Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice information about the social media sites which can be used for for promotion the business.

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